Today, telegram, the world’s largest anonymous (peer-to-peer encrypted app), is unable to log in. The status has been updated and all regions in Asia, Europe and the USA are down.

Is there an app that can replace telegram?
NONE !!!!
Double-ended peer-to-peer encryption, independent network POP, global from 0-1 independent completion of the world only telegram. Most importantly, he does not accept any interest advertising, investment cooperation. If you think about a company that is not interested in money, there is really no other company except telegram.
Apart from telegram, there is no other company in the world that can offer the ultimate in privacy, anonymity and code security
Why telegram is perfectly safe ?
- Have you seen it posted to the app since 14 August 2013 to include profit module? For example ads, PRO, etc.None.
- Has it ever had promote its app, None!
- There is no shortage of money, None!
- need to think about how to profit from users, only telegram in the world. All insecurity and privacy breaches are based on profit, telegram was born to remove the profit, I am sure you already know the answer.
This telegram failure, should only be the possibility of a power failure, if it is a DDOS attack can not make the global POP are down this is impossible, just like someone attacked to paralyze cloudflare. From a technical point of view AS62041 large area of waiting, only possible is a computing server group power failure, if it is the usual UDP / TCP FLOOD network It should all be connection timeouts or unreachable.