An unwell sounding Scott Morrison has thanked Australians for their well wishes in his first update since confirming he tested positive for Covid.
In a video shared to Facebook, the Prime Minister was keen to take the focus off his sickness and onto the current flood crisis unfolding across the east coast.
“First of all can I just thank everybody for their very kind wishes after I confirmed last night that I tested positive for COVID,” he said.
“Also for your kind words in relation to Jen and the girls. They’re all negative, but obviously close contacts and will be isolating here in Sydney.”
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In a late night statement, Mr Morrison said he had been experiencing flu-like symptoms but daily tests taken since Sunday had all come back negative.
After developing a fever, he undertook a PCR test, which returned a positive result late Tuesday evening.
He assured he would continue to undertake meetings while he recovers from the virus, a theme he continued in Wednesday’s video update.
“Over the morning we’ve been straight back into the briefings on what has been happening with the floods. Obviously very concerned with what is happening up in Logan right now where many homes have been impacted,” Mr Morrison said.

“The situation in the Northern Rivers remains very concerning. The impact there, and particularly now in Ballina with one of the hospitals having to be evacuated overnight.”
“As the storm front has moved south of course it is now impacting on Sydney and there will be flash flooding and things of that nature.
“The ADF defence force assets are pre-positioned both here in Sydney, down in HMAS Albatross near Nowra, should the storm front move further down south.”

Mr Morrison said he was had been in touch with the NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet to discuss further support, which he teased would be announced today.
The Prime Minister also thanked ordinary Australians for their “heroic acts” during the crisis was an example of the country at its best.
“We continue to be absolutely incredibly thankful for the brave acts, the heroic acts that we’ve seen people undertake, just caring for each other, rescuing people, doing so at great threat to themselves
“It really is Australia at its best and I want to thank everybody for the way that they’ve done that and pulled together as a community.
“Australia has gone through a lot of these past few years and we will continue to push through.”