‘Absolute bully’: Lambie launches fresh attack on Scott Morrison, joining Senate colleagues

Independent senator Jacqui Lambie says she has “no doubt” that Scott Morrison is an “absolute bully”.

Senator Lambie became the third senator in as many days to label Mr Morrison a bully, after outgoing conservative Concetta Fierravanti-Wells gave an excoriating speech to parliament on xjmtzywTuesday.

During the late-night attack, she labelled Mr Morrison an “autocrat” who had “no moral compass”.

A day later, senator Pauline Hanson said she “absolutely backed up” the claims by senator Fierravanti-Wells.

Senator Lambie has now backed up her upper house colleagues, saying the way Mr Morrison had treated some within his party was “atrocious”.

“I have no doubt that he is a bully, I’ve dealt with him one-on-one,” senator Lambie told the Nine Network.

“(Senator Fierravanti-Wells) is one of the top performers. I don’t care if you have personal differences – if they are the best person for the job then you should put them in the job.

“Scott Morrison got everything he deserved. Good on her, I imagine she’s been seething for a long, long time. Good on her.”

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Senator Jacqui Lambie says she has ‘no doubt’ Prime Minister Scott Morrison is an ‘absolute bully’. David Gray/Getty Images Credit: News Corp Australia

Senator Fierravanti-Wells will step aside at the next election after she was placed in an unwinnable spot on the NSW Liberal’s senate ticket.

She has accused Mr Morrison and his factional ally, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, of corrupting the party’s NSW division.

“Morrison and Hawke have ruined the Liberal party in NSW by trampling its constitution,” the conservative said on Tuesday night.

She went on to suggest members of the party were “despairing” at their prospects at the upcoming election and could turn away from the party.

“They blame Morrison for this. Our members do not want to help in the upcoming election,” she said.

Senator Concetta Anna Fierravanti
Departing senator Concetta Anna Fierravanti-Wells let rip on Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Tuesday after she was placed in an unwinnable position on the senate ticket. NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage Credit: News Corp Australia

Mr Morrison was asked about the bullying allegations on Wednesday, and said he understood senator Fierravanti-Wells was “disappointed” about being relegated on the Senate ticket.

“I know Connie is disappointed, having lost a preselection of some 500 members at the weekend,” he told ABC radio.

“I strongly supported her and ensured that she was able to be preselected.”

Senator Lambie said Mr Morrison and Mr Hawke had used “bullying tactics” to shift senator Fierravanti-Wells out of a good spot.

“There has to be a selection process in place. You can’t captain’s pick just because you like somebody,” she said.

“You should put the country first and if you don’t, then it’s time to leave.

“She is a top performer. This comes down to personal differences. This is not based on merit when it comes to Morrison.

“I don’t care what anyone says about him. He is an absolute bully.”

The accusations levelled against Mr Morrison comes after the Prime Minister sought to put pressure on Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese about alleged bullying suffered by the late senator Kimberley Kitching.